Which Cannabis Strain are You? According to your Zodiac Sign.

Welcome to your cosmic-cannabis guide of 2024, where we are matching your zodiac sign with its cosmically connected cannabis strain! Get ready for a cosmic journey through the stars and strains, where every sign (yes, even yours) gets its own special cannabis strain match. Let's dive in and explore which cannabis strain vibes best with your astrological energy:

Aries (March 21 - April 19): Sour Diesel

Aries, characterized by their dynamic energy and leadership qualities, finds a resonant strain in Sour Diesel. Sour Diesel, a Sativa-dominant strain, is renowned for its energizing and cerebral effects, which can stimulate creativity, provide a rush of euphoric uplift, and invigorate you with a bold, forward momentum akin to that of an Aries charging towards their goals. Its pungent, diesel-like aroma underscores the power and intensity that both Aries and this strain carry.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Granddaddy Purps

Taurus, a sign grounded in the pleasures of the physical world and a lover of relaxation, aligns with Granddaddy Purps. This Indica strain offers a fusion of cerebral euphoria and physical calm, mirroring the Taurus’s appreciation for comfort, luxury, and sensory experiences. Its grape and berry aroma appeal to Taurus's refined tastes, providing a soothing escape that enhances their natural inclination towards serenity and contentment.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Super Lemon Haze

Gemini, with their intellectual curiosity and versatility, pairs excellently with Super Lemon Haze. This Sativa-dominant strain is celebrated for its ability to energize the mind, spark creativity, and enhance social interactions, aligning with Gemini's love for communication and exploration of new ideas. The strain's lemony scent and taste, combined with its uplifting effects, complement Gemini’s bright and dynamic personality.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Blue Dream

Cancer, known for their emotional depth and nurturing spirit, finds solace in Blue Dream. This hybrid strain offers balanced effects that ease the body into relaxation while gently stimulating the mind, providing an emotional uplift that can comfort the often sensitive and introspective Cancer. Blue Dream’s ability to enhance mood and alleviate discomfort without heavy sedation resonates with Cancer’s desire for emotional and physical harmony.

Leo (July 23 - August 22): Golden Goat

Leo, radiant and full of life, matches the vibrancy of Golden Goat. This strain, with its potent effects that spark creativity, euphoria, and social energy, mirrors Leo's natural charisma and flair for the dramatic. Golden Goat’s tropical scent and flavor profile add an exotic touch that appeals to Leo's love for the bold and the beautiful, encouraging their inherent vivacity and zest for life.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Harlequin

Virgo, analytical and meticulous, finds a complementary strain in Harlequin. This high-CBD, Sativa-dominant strain provides clear-headed relaxation and focus, aiding Virgo's detail-oriented and industrious nature. Harlequin’s balanced cannabinoid profile supports mental clarity and physical comfort, aligning with Virgo’s health-conscious and pragmatic approach to both work and personal care.

Libra (September 23 - October 22): Wedding Cake

Libra, the sign of balance and relationships, is harmoniously paired with Wedding Cake. This Indica-dominant hybrid offers a sweet euphoria that can enhance social interactions and foster connectivity, resonating with Libra's diplomatic and romantic nature. Wedding Cake’s ability to induce relaxation while uplifting the spirit complements Libra's quest for harmony and aesthetic enjoyment in their surroundings.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Gorilla Glue

Scorpio, intense and enigmatic, aligns with the potency of Gorilla Glue. This hybrid strain is known for its heavy-hitting effects that can unlock deep emotional insights and transformative experiences, mirroring Scorpio's desire for depth and intensity in both introspection and interpersonal connections. Gorilla Glue’s powerful relaxation effects also cater to Scorpio’s need to occasionally detach and regenerate in solitude.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Jack Herer

Sagittarius, the adventurer and philosopher of the zodiac, finds a spirited companion in Jack Herer. This Sativa strain, known for its cerebral elevation and creativity-inducing effects, supports Sagittarius's quest for knowledge and exploration. Jack Herer’s ability to inspire a sense of wonder and an optimistic outlook aligns with the Sagittarian spirit of adventure and the search for meaning.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Northern Lights

Capricorn, emblematic of discipline and ambition, resonates with the grounding effects of Northern Lights. This Indica strain offers profound relaxation and mental clarity, aiding Capricorn’s relentless pursuit of their goals by providing a necessary reprieve from their labors. Northern Lights’ sedative effects can help soothe the weighted buzz that comes with Capricorn’s drive for success, promoting restorative rest and contemplation.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Green Crack

Aquarius, innovative and idealistic, is aptly paired with Green Crack. This Sativa strain energizes the mind and stimulates creativity, mirroring Aquarius’s visionary nature and passion for societal progress. Green Crack’s uplifting effects encourage the free flow of ideas and the pursuit of unconventional paths, aligning with Aquarius's eccentric and forward-thinking approach.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Purple Haze

Pisces, the dreamer and mystic of the zodiac, harmonizes with Purple Haze. This Sativa-dominant strain enhances creativity and brings about euphoric, dream-like states, supporting Pisces’ imaginative and spiritual explorations. Purple Haze’s ability to blur the boundaries of reality and fantasy caters to Pisces’ longing for transcendence and their connection to the mystical.


The content presented by Green Dragon Florida Dispensary concerning the effects associated with cannabis usage is derived from user experiences and testimonials. It's essential to view this content as anecdotal and avoid interpreting it as medical counsel. For any alterations to medication consumption or medical practices, it is strongly recommended to consult a medical professional. The statements provided have not undergone evaluation by the Food and Drug Administration, and it's crucial to acknowledge that cannabis is not meant to diagnose, treat, mitigate, or prevent any medical conditions.


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